Tangier Legal Solutions

for Americans

on-the-ground, hands-on Moroccan and American professionals empowering American businesspeople to launch and grow businesses in Tangier, Morocco though comprehensive legal and consultancy solutions

What We Offer

Services for Americans in Tangier

Business Registration

Residency Acquisition

Contract Support and Creation

Real Estate Management

Employee Legality

Arbitration and Litigation

Tangier Legal Solutions

Jonathan Kissinger

Jonathan Kissinger moved to Tangier in 2016 and has enjoyed watching the city grow and thrive. He has opened his own businesses and now also consults for new business owners. After many legal headaches, he partnered with Tarik to make legal concerns easier for himself and like-minded Americans.
Jonathan Kissinger

Director & Customer Relations, Tangier Legal Solutions

Tangier Legal Solutions

Tarik Ben Larbi J.D.

Tarik Ben Larbi J.D. has been representing businesses in and out of the courtroom in Tangier for almost ten years. He was born and raised in Tangier and loves helping American businesspeople thrive. Tarik is in high standing with the local bar association and very active in the expatriate business community.
Tarik Ben Larbi J.D.

Lead Attorney, Tangier Legal Solutions

Tangier Legal Solutions

We are in Tangier to serve you!

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